Detoxification in Reiki and Yoga

Healing crisis means a release of toxins. It is a state of unfavorable symptoms leading towards a pleasant good. It a sign of ‘release’ which one is expected to accept with grace.

Also called ‘detoxification’, it is used to describe the process a body goes through to get rid of toxins. Detoxification symptoms - both physical and mental may appear when one alters their lifestyle by starting something new, such as changing your diet or exercising, or by discontinuing a current practice such as eating chocolate or drinking coffee. These symptoms could include headaches, stomachaches, coughs, diarrhea, skin eruptions (rash), clogged sinus, and fever, as well as feeling rundown and irritated. The symptoms may last for short duration and cause irritation, or they could last longer and cause you considerable discomfort. This is the body reacting to something that is unusual, to the change.

With the practice of Yoga and Reiki, the stage of detoxification arises, and only then does it lead to the healing. It is a cleanse by the body.

How does this happen:

As we live, toxins accumulate in our bodies. Some of these are due to our diets and others are due to the environment around us. Of course, our lifestyle also contributes in a big way. If you smoke or use alcohol you are accumulating even more toxins.

When we make a change in our diet or lifestyle, by either discontinuing a habit or eating better, our cells begin to eliminate the toxic substances. Before finding the toxin, however, the toxins are released into the bloodstream and are carried through the circulatory system. This transportation’ and elimination may result in headache, diarrhea, or constipation. Often toxins are eliminated through the skin, resulting in rashes or skin problems (especially if you are prone to such problems). We may also find that with an absence of toxins, you absorb substances with ease. Thus sugar and caffeine found in sodas give usan immediate rush.

In a nutshell, one could say that the body always responds to quality, and when the food coming in is of a higher quality than the present tissue, the body discards the existing tissue in order to make room for tissue created by the higher-quality food.