The Seven Chakras

There are seven major chakras in a human body and each corresponds to the seven main glands of the Endocrine System.

The lower three chakras are associated with the fundamental human emotions and is related to survival and reproduction. The upper four chakras correspond to mental and spiritual states relating to compassion, creativity, God sense etc.

Any blockage’s in the energy flow of the chakras or an excess of energy can lead to imbalance and disharmony on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The cleansing and balancing of human chakras helps the energy to flow without disturbance and is an important aspect for complete healing of any dis-ease.

The seven chakras are commonly associated with the following parts of the body:

The first one, Root Chakra, to the perineum, in the coccyx area. It is located in the base of spine in tailbone area and represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. It deals with survival issues such as financial independence, money and food.

The second one, Sacral Chakra, is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel. It deals with our sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure and sexuality.

The third one, Solar Plexus, marks our ability to be confident and in control of our lives It is located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area. Self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem are regulated here.

The fourth one, the Heart Chakra, to the center of the chest, slightly to the left of the physical heart controls our ability to love, be joyous and peaceful.

The fifth one, Throat Chakra is located at the carotid plexus and controls our ability to communicate, self-expression of feelings and the truth.

The sixth one, Third Eye, to the point between the eyebrows wheels our ability to focus on and see the big picture, promotes intuition, imagination, wisdom and the ability to think and make decisions.

The seventh one, Crown Chakra, located to the top of the cranium is the highest chakra that represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually, accepting our inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality and pure bliss.

Both Reiki and Yoga believe in the chakra system and it’s healing through movement and meditation, by going with the flow, coming in silence within, and keeping your balance of our beautiful mind, body and spirit.

SoHam Namah!
I am strong, I am Free
I am loving, I am Grateful